What does Mother’s Day mean to you? Each and every one of us will have a different opinion, thought or feeling about Mother’s Day. My many mixed emotions of Mother’s Day Memories – Wonderful memories of Mum, our grandmother,my mother-in-law, our sister and friends. I love that I have been surrounded by strong women that […]
Do you know what support you need?
Do you know what support you need on the caring journey? If you asked me this question during my caring journey I wouldn’t have been able to answer you. I was so overwhelmed with what was going on I just stumbled from one challenge to the next. It wasn’t until I was on the final […]
Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue – yes it is a thing. I recently found some information about Compassion Fatigue, it is a term that is common place in professions that deal with trauma on a regular basis – hospital staff, police or the frontline carers. However it is a term that is now being used in other professions […]
It’s Ok To Want Support
We get so caught up in what we think should be like or do. It’s ok to want support. We think we need to be the tough strong one doing it all alone. Baloney… Balderdash …Hogwash! Life is tough and at times we need some support. As shared in our book “Tough…Tough Times…Tough Decisions” I […]
We Are All Different
Each and every one of us deals with things differently. It doesn’t matter what personality assessment you like – DISC, Enneagram, 5 languages of love or any of the many other personality assessments the outcome is the same. We are all different and we approach problems, situations and problem solving differently. Take a moment to […]