At 2.12 am on the 22 July 2012 my world changed forever.
Our sister slipped away and grew her angel wings – unexpectedly.
The last two years have been heartfelt, sad and unbelievably hard for so many reasons that I won’t bore you with. But it has been tough.
I truly believe you never “get over” losing a loved one and to be honest I don’t want to get over losing my loved ones.
I love them and they will always be part of me.
As I said lots has happened over the past few years and yesterday I came to a huge realisation.
I have been consumed with grief and I’ve let that grief take over every single facet of my life.
I will no longer let that happen.
I want to laugh, sing and dance again. I want to have fun. I want to be a fun person to be around. I want to have a good time. I want to live.
So what does that mean…..
For me it is celebrating my angel’s life – all my angels’ lives but especially our sister.
You see our sister was a very special person she did many great things.
Many I didn’t know about until I spoke with people at her funeral.
Our sister was a giving person not only material things but of her time.
I heard how:
• She paid the rent for a young colleague who ran out of money.
• She gave her time for many charities.
• She helped out people that needed help.
• She gave food to less fortunate.
• She never looked down as she was helped somebody up.
There were many more stories of her kindness, many more.
It really struck me that it would be the best way I could honour her memory was by following in her footsteps and be kind. The world needs more kindness.
For a while I have been doing small things but now I think it is time to step it up a bit and spread the kindness.
She is such an inspiration and brought a lot of joy to many people – the world definitely lost some of it’s sparkle when Marilyn grew her angel wings.
Now it’s my turn to step up – pull up my big girl pants and honour Marilyn’s memory by being the best person I can be and spreading kindness.
The funny thing about sisters – I’m sure you will agree – is that we annoy each other, upset each other, fight with each other but no matter what we are always there for each other.
I think this is the thing I miss the most about Marilyn. No matter what was going on in her life she was always there for us. We often spoke for hours at night – about family, our days, the silly things that happen in life. Sharing everything and caring for each other. I really miss my Gold Coast holidays, even though she lived there she would always come and stay a couple days with me and we had so much fun.
For too long I have been mourning Marilyn from now on I will be celebrating Marilyn.