This post was written a few years ago and I thought I’d share it again because recently I was having a conversation with client who said exactly the same thing to me….. I forgot how to have fun.
I didn’t think it was possible but it’s true.
I forgot how to have fun. I was so caught up in running around caring for everyone I forgot how to have fun and when things slowed down and I had time I didn’t know what to do.
Have you ever felt like that?
It is scary – I’m 52 and I don’t know how to have fun anymore. Recently I recorded a podcast on this very topic – the 3 elements of fun.
My life has changed so much and I really don’t know what I want to do to have fun.
I’ve recently moved and am meeting new people has been difficult “in a big city”. I don’t know if it is that or if at 52 it is just harder to make friends, to find people with similar interests.
I don’t want to “go out drinking” or “partying” – that’s just not what I am into anymore.
I’ve spent the last few years developing our business – almost every waking moment and now I am finding it difficult to have fun. No that isn’t right. I’ve forgotten what fun is. What am I interested in? What do I want to do?
My life has changed a lot of the past few years – my son is nearly 20 and doesn’t need me to be the soccer mum anymore.
When I was caring for Dad, working full time and caring for my family I didn’t have time to do things and I’ve forgotten what I enjoy doing. Now I have the time I don’t know what I want to do.
So today I am taking some time out from ACE and going for a walk to have a think about things. To try and remember what is fun.
Time to get the pen and paper out and write out a list… a list of things I like doing and start doing them.
What are some of the things you enjoy doing?
Yes I did take some time out, made a list and started having fun again. I started with small steps which led to bigger steps and now my life is amazing. I am living a happy, fun and very blessed life.