It is a matter of finding a balance. So how do you find a balance?
I use a number of different techniques to make this happen.
I use a schedule – yes it does sound a bit formal but you know what it isn’t.
Let me explain.
I have a weekly planner where I fit in the things I want to do – sure they don’t always happen but the intent is there and I always reschedule. In the schedule I include all the things that “have to be done” like picking up son from soccer training, Dad’s appointments etc. I always have something for me in each week. I even include my meditations and affirmations. I also link my schedule to my “passions” to help me balance my week.
Some of the things I put in my schedule are:
Category: Me:
Personal Development
Category: Family:
Call Sister
Text Nephew
Lunch Hubby
Pick up son from soccer
Category: Dad:
Dr Appointment
It’s your schedule put anything you want in your schedule – it is yours.
Now the most important thing is to do it.