One of Dad’s medical advisers gave Dad the following advice and I would like to share it with you:
Sure your life isn’t perfect but it is perfect for you right now
I’ve been thinking about this recently.
What is a perfect life? Is there such a thing? Where do I get one?
What do I want out of life? In the booklet “caring for the carer” I wrote about finding your happiness and for me a perfect life is when I am happy.
Sound pretty simple doesn’t it. Well it is. I just didn’t realise it until recently.
My life is perfect for me right now.
Sure there are challenges but all in all I handle them – if not I know where to get help from.
I have a wonderful family that shower me with love, understanding and care.
I have wonderful friends that listen, nurture and help me grow.
I am following one of my passions – writing.
I have a beautiful spiritual belief that helps me through each and every day.
I have a roof over my head, food on the table and all my bills are paid.
I have every material thing I want (actually far too many – time to declutter).
I am happy.
Yes my life is perfect for me right now.
Is your life perfect for your right now?
What changes can you make to have a perfect life?
What is holding you back?
Take a deep breathe and close your eyes, think about what your perfect life looks like, what it really looks like.
So tell me – what is your perfect life? Now it’s your chance to do a bit of writing.
Now that you can see your perfect life, go on and live it.
You deserve it and then you won’t need to look if the grass is greener on the other side.